Astrology source code free and open to run online services to make money using asp or php scripts

PHP Scripts for Astrology Websites

My basic philosophy is this:

Do not charge people for something they could get for free elsewhere - that would not be fair to them.

Try to use whatever I have so that the most people can benefit from it.

Don't sell any of my free interps because people can get them for free at my website.

Make people aware of my website so they may take advantage of all the tools I have there.

Common sense, practicality, and kindness should prevail.

We should never try to take advantage of others, only try to help them.

If people want to make donations to you or anyone, then they should be free to do so ("Give as the heart dictates and the means permit").

1) NEW! Download in order to be able to set up a website like what you can see here: click me. These scripts really replace the below - and there are more of them and the graphics are much improved.

1a) NEW! Download style 2 wheel in order to display a wheel instead of a linear chart. These scripts complement the above and really replace the below - and there are more of them and the graphics are much improved.

2) Download in order to be able to set up a website that allows your users to generate and read the interpretation of their natal chart/natal horoscope.

3) Download in order to be able to set up a website that allows your users to generate and read their daily transit interpretations.

4) Download in order to be able to set up a website that allows your users to see the planetary positions RIGHT NOW.

How to set up an astrological website using Allen Edwall's PHP scripts and the Swiss Ephemeris

1. First, you must have a web hosting service that provides you with a website that runs Linux and PHP (make sure the PHP GD graphics library is installed AND THAT THE FREE TYPE LIBRARY IS INSTALLED).

2. Take your downloaded .zip file and unzip it in a local directory. Using your FTP program, create the following sub-directory on your website's server:

   * for 1) above, /public_html/astrology_scripts and /public_html/astrology_scripts/sweph and /public_html/astrology_scripts/natal_files and /public_html/astrology_scripts/transit_files

   * for 2) above, /public_html/natal_reports and /public_html/natal_reports/natal_files

   * for 3) above, /public_html/transits and /public_html/natal_reports/transit_files

   * for 4) above, /public_html/Now

3. Upload the unzipped files to your website in the corresponding and respective directories. After that, CHMOD the file called swetest to 755 in the root directory you created (/public_html/astrology_scripts/sweph OR /public_html/natal_reports OR /public_html/transits OR /public_html/Now).

4. To test your website, visit OR OR OR

5. If you get 0.0 degrees for all planets, then either you did not CHMOD swetest to 755 or your webserver is not allowing you to execute the file called swetest. If the latter, you will have to ask your web host why swetest cannot run properly.

Click here to see what the NOW page looks like (old-style graphics)

Click here to see what the NOW page looks like (linear chart)