Best combinations for clairovoyance, or even siddhis (spiritual powers)

The best combinations for clairovoyance, or even siddhis (spiritual powers) are:

a) Connection of Ketu with Jupiter, involving the 5th house and its lord, the 8th house and its lord, or the 12th house and its lord.
b) The second best is, the same combination as above without the involvement of Jupiter.
c) The third best is Ketu in the 12th house without any aspect, Moon in the rashi (sign) of Saturn aspected by Mars, or in the rashi of Mars aspected by Saturn, with Jupiter influencing the lagna (ascendant) or lagna lord exactly.

The best example I have seen to date, though I have not succeeded in collecting the horoscopes of other gifted saints, is that of my own Guruji (Swami Paramananda Saraswati). Note the combinations.

a) Ketu in the twelfth house aspected by the 5th and the 8th lord, Jupiter.
b) In the navamsa, as also in the birth horoscope, the Moon comes under the influence of both Saturn and Mars.

Since very early in his life he took to sannyas (renunciate vows) and maintained the pure spiritual life throughout, and went rising higher and higher. Clairovoyance was one of his supernormal achievements, or siddhis.

Swami Paramananda Saraswati

Natal Chart

Navamsa Chart

- K.N. Rao
reprinted with permission


Anonymous said...

A quien corresponda, por si no lo saben bestias soberbias, el idioma español existe y es la segunda lengua nativa más hablada en el mundo después del chino mandarín, asi que mejor que hagan programas y diseñen páginas con la opción del idioma español o los demandaré por discriminación idiomática en todos los estamentos internacionales que pueda, ya que no tengo porqué aprender y dominar un lenguaje que no es afín con mis sentimientos.
Vayan pensándolo bien, esto es un aviso.

Ronak Jain said...

It is something which is very hard to imagine .

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

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