Verified natal chart of Queen Elizabeth II and predictions
Some people have used the horoscope of Queen Elizabeth with Dhanu lagna (Astrodatabank gives 2:40am as a birth time which makes it Sagittarius ascendant), which is against the very spirit of sound astrological principles. I need not elaborate here excepting to point out the importance of the mahadasha of Venus, the fifth and tenth lord for Makar lagna (Capricorn ascendant) but sixth and eleventh lord for Dhanu.
Queen Elizabeth's Natal Chart
If you see the dates of the birth of her children, all four were born in the mahadasha of Venus the fifth lord (children) and tenth lord from Makar (Capricorn). (Venus dasha was from 10/31/1946 until 10/31/1966 - her children were born in 1948, 1950, 1960, and 1964). So which lagna will you give her?
Then you have Venus as the tenth lord also giving her the throne of England (February 1952) which had sunk into an island losing all its colonies in the days of its imperial glory. What the queen inherited was a liquidated empire which had started in the life of her father King George VI.
As soon as her Venus dasha started, she got married (11/20/1947) and conceived. In Jaimini’s Chara dasha, it was the dasha of Karka (Cancer), her seventh house, with Darakaraka, Saturn aspecting it. (Jaimini aspect)
Is there any doubt of hers being Makar lagna (Capricorn ascendant)?
I have often taken up this horoscope and demonstrated many events of her life applying various known techniques in my class room.
All the problems of her life relating to Prince Charles and Diana came in the mahadasha of Rahu in the sixth house (conflict) both in the natal chart and the Saptamsha (divisional chart for children).
Queen Elizabeth's Saptamsha Chart
Now this Rahu dasha is ending on 30 October 2007. It is known as the dasha chiddra or the handing over and taking over of two dashas, Rahu ending and Jupiter beginning.
In Chara dasha in 2006, it is the dasha of Kanya which has the Karakamsha and the antardasha of Mesha (Aries) which has Gnathikaraka (Sun). It has to be and is a period of sickness, accidents etc.
During this dasha chiddra, she will be eighty years old with a record of fifty four years of reign of an empire which resembles a dried orange on the geographical map of the world.
Transit of Saturn in Simha (Leo), eighth from her lagna with a saade saati on will mark the end of her era. Can she survive till or beyond 2009?
12:42 AM
famous horoscopes
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This is a very good information .
This is very different from the natal charts shown in CHinese astrology. I found your post very interesting and informative. Thanks a bunch! Will definitely go back for more.
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thanks for problems may be solve by your techniques.
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