use the software for running a Marriage bureau

Adding photographs to the Marriage bureau database

You can add the photos of candidates in Marriage bureau database as follows.

Open the Marriage Bureau file "MarrBuro.MDB" with the help of "MS Access", the database management software of MS Office. The database file "MarrBuro.MDB" is under the folder C:\Program Files\PROPHET8.

For simplicity we had added a shortcut of this file. You can open the file through the shortcut as follows

i.e. Press [Start] -> [All Programs] -> [Supersoft PROPHET2006] -> [Marriage Bureau database]

This will open the database as follows. Click on [Forms] which is under the [Objects]

Open the form [MarriageBureau data edit form]. The screen will be as follows,

You can edit all details including photograph through this data entry screen.


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Edit Marriage Bureau Data Marriage Bureau data browsing