Sun Sign In Western Astrology

Sun Sign In Western Astrology : In Western System of Sun Sign, all the people born in one month belongs to the same sign.

Every year approximately around 21 of March to 20 th April The Sun is moving in the Aries Constellation. So all the people born in that month belongs to the Sign of Aries.

This is a rough system just to give some kind of a reading for people who does not know their time of birth. But for people who know the time of birth, the rising sign or the Lagna is the better option.

According to this system there is no need for any calculations, If you were born in between those two dates then you are a Aries Born .

Therefore, If you were born in between:

21 March to 20th April - Aries

21 April to 21 May - Taurus

22 may to 21 June - Gemini

22 June to 22 July - Cancer

23 July to 23 August - Leo

24 August to 23 Sept. - Virgo

24 Sept. to 23 Oct. - Libra

24 Oct. To 22 Nov. Scorpio

23 Nov. to 21 Dec. Sagittarius

22 December to 20 Jan. - Capricorn

21 Jan. to 18th Feb. Aquarius

19 Feb. to 20 March. Pisces.

Rising Sign or Ascendant in Western Astrology:

Is the The constellation which was rising at eastern horizon at your Place of Birth at the time of birth. It is very similar to the Lagna in Vedic Astrology.

But The Hindu system of astrology uses the concept of fixed Zodiac. The western system uses the concept of moveable Zodizc. Therefore

The Lagna in Jyotish system:

Differs about 23 degrees from the Rising sign calculated by Western astrologers. The Lagna changes with the time of the day and the place. So people belonging to all the 12 signs are born on the earth at an any given moment.

Sun Sign

Sun Sign in Horoscope and Astrology

The Difference Between Sun Sign in Western Astrology, Rising Sign in Western Astrology and The Lagna or the Birth Sign in Hindu Vedic Astrology

Jyotish - The Vedic Astrology of
Lanka India Nepal and Tibet


The Lagna in Jyotish system:

Differs about 23 degrees from the Rising sign calculated by Western astrologers. The Lagna changes with the time of the day and the place. So people belonging to all the 12 signs are born on the earth at an any given moment.

Sun Sign In Western Astrology : In Western System of Sun Sign, all the people born in one month belongs to the same sign.

To understand this section better, you should first understand the The Difference between Hindu and Western Astrology.. (Click here fore more details or keep reading below)